Stern V. Bush
I'm one of the biggest Howard Stern Fans around. My world came to a crashing halt when Clear Channel yanked him off the local affiliate here in Crapchester. Over night my mornings at work became 10 times longer. Thing is, this rant isn't about Stern being yanked off the air, as by the grace of God he is back on Crapchester airwaves, but rather the fact that Stern is now a typical one sided political machine. Don't get me wrong. I still love Stern, I still love his show, right up until he starts one of his new found patented Anti-Bush rants. See, when Stern rants, I love it. Even if the rant is on something I like, I still find it funny, its just one of those things about Stern I enjoy. His chronic Bush rants though have become misguided, over the top, and flat out old. To make matters worse, just about everyone else on the show all follow his lead. Robin, Baba Booey, Artie (and yeah, Artie just screams political knowledge...shut your piehole Yankee Fan and such down another heater), all whine about Bush too. In reality I have no problem with it. Stern can talk and criticize whatever he wants, its all good. He can beat down Bush, but when he becomes completely one-sided like he is, it just gets old. He acts like Kerry is the be all end all answer to America's problems. He acts like Bush is the blame for everything. He criticizes Bush's war record, his politics etc. He claims all the FCC problems are ordered by Bush himself. Bush is not Don Corleone ordering that ball washer Michael Powell to personally attack Stern. Do I think Bush falling out of favor with Stern had something to do with the FCC crackdown...absolutely, but not to the extent my man Howard is claiming. While Bush and the religious (aka wacko) right might want him off the air, remember in 1994 or so it was the FCC under a VERY LIBERAL William Jefferson Clinton that slapped him with a 1.7 million dollar fine for content on his radio program. G-Dub was running the Texas Rangers into the ground at that time, how do you explain that? Its not like the FCC will go away if Kerry gets elected. Its not like Stern will have free reign over content if Kerry gets elected. Recently Stern started piling on Bush for letting the recent ban an assault weapons expire. If Stern would take of his Kerry colored glasses, he would have realized that the "ban" did not actually ban assault weapons. It just threw a speed bump in the path to get them. If someone wanted one, someone could get one. Yet its all Bush's fault that wacko's with AK-47's are going to start going nuts and killing people within the next 2 weeks. Howard, I love you bro, and I understand your livelihood is being attacked, but you gotta look at the big picture and and not focus on what you think the entire problem is..........And for the record, I am not a Bush fan nor a Kerry Fan. I think both candidates are scumbags and I wouldn't trust either of them as far as I can throw them, but I am less afraid about what I know about Bush, that what I don't know about Kerry. Keep bringing happiness to my weekday morning Howard, but lets pare down the Bush sucks rants to maybe 7 or 8 a week!
"Give me more radio-oooooo. Give me Howard Stern-nnn"
"Give me more radio-oooooo. Give me Howard Stern-nnn"
At 12:19 PM,
Unknown said…
On one hand I agree with you about Stern's extreme left-wing agenda, and I say this as someone who is left myself. But instead of just taking Howard to task on attacking Bush, why don't you also take him to task on the other issues he so blindly champions, even though he has no idea what he's talking about.
Howard has always been a myopic, one-sided person, and has yes-men (like Robin Quivers) who support nearly everything he says without dissent. I understand that you (even though you deny it) are really a Bush supporter. And that's fine, you can admit it. I remember the "Hey Al Gore, just concede already" emails I used to get from you back in 2000. So don't be ashamed of it.
But when it comes to Howard, he doesn't just go after Bush and the Republican party (after all, he routinely has the terrible Gov. George Pataki on his show and praises him). He takes a position and defends it even if he has no clue what's he's talking about. For example, because he is a vocal supporter of abortion rights, he is also a vocal supporter of stem-cell research. Howard will constantly say things like, "Bush is trying to get rid of abortion and stem-cell research," not only lumping them together to make abortion more palatable to its opponents (ie. it's for science), but also forgetting the vact that they are not even remotely the same thing. But Howard didn't even know what stem-cell research was until he had an expert come on his show and explain it. And this was several days after Ron Reagan Jr gave his speech about it in at the Democratic National Convention! Howard just wanted to say he was for it so he could further push his own personal agenda.
So you see, Howard is constantly taking stubborn stances on issues that he doesn't understand. He should stick to adult films and poop jokes and forget political discourse altogether, not just when it's against George Bush.
At 1:47 AM,
Unknown said…
Boy a full year later and were you right on the money about your boy G.W. Bush! Man, thank goodness we re-elected him. The country's in great shape, and you helped it happen. And here I thought he was gonna screw up and further divide the country. Boy is my face red!
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